Romanian Journal of Petroleum & Gas Technology (Rom. J. Pet. Gas Technol.) (pISSN 2734–5319; ISSN-L 2734–5319; eISSN 2972–0370) is an open access, peer-reviewed, international scientific journal in the field of petroleum and gas, published two times a year. This publication follows an open access model (https://en.unesco.org/open-access/what-open-access). The articles published here are accepted after a double blind peer-review and after their acceptance a DOI number is assigned.
Romanian Journal of Petroleum & Gas Technology continues the long tradition established by the old periodicals of the Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti, especially Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti Bulletin – Technical Series (ISSN 1224-8495, EBSCO indexed https://www.ebsco.com/m/ee/Marketing/titleLists/a9h-journals.htm), whose successor it is.
Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti, the only University in Romania specialized in the field of petroleum and gas, founded in Bucharest in the year 1948 (under the name Petroleum, Gas and Geology Institute) and moved to Ploiesti in 1973, has a long recognized tradition of publishing academic journals covering technical topics, with the first issue appearing in the year 1956, in Bucharest, and continuing in Ploiesti since 1973, as follows: Lucrările Institutului de Petrol şi Gaze din Bucureşti / Works of the Petroleum and Gas Institute of Bucharest (1956–1959), Buletinul Institutului de Petrol, Gaze şi Geologie – Bucureşti / Petroleum, Gas and Geology Institute Bulletin – Bucharest (1960–1973), Buletinul Institutului de Petrol şi Gaze – Ploieşti / Petroleum and Gas Institute Bulletin – Ploiesti (1974–1992); Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti Bulletin – Technical Series (1993-2019).
The topic of the published papers covers all the fields linked to the petroleum and gas industry, that is: oil wells drilling, oil and gas reservoirs production, petroleum geology and geophysics, petroleum products transportation and storage, petroleum technology and petrochemistry, renewable energies, environmental protection, petroleum and oilfield equipment (design, optimization, production, materials and technologies), electrotechnics, electronics and automation in the petroleum industry a.o.