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Review Process

Starting with our second 2006 issue, we have gone from an open-review system to a double blind peer-review onein order to ensure the quality of our published material. Therefore, both the identity of the author (authors) of all submitted articles and the identity of the reviewers is kept anonymous by the editors throughout the peer-review process.

Authors are solely responsible for the accuracy of the data provided in their papers. Submission of the manuscript implies that it is not under consideration for a publication elsewhere. All submissions must bear the name and the e-mail address of the author to whom proofs should be sent. The articles should be sent by e-mail as attachments to:

Each paper proposed to be published will be reviewed by two members of the Board of Reviewers (well-known specialists from our University, other Universities from Romania or abroad) through a blind peer-review system. The article may be either rejected, subjected to revisions, or accepted for publications as it is. In case the paper was accepted with minor/ major revisions (required by at least one reviewer), the editor will communicate them to the author(s) to operate the necessary changes and to re-submit their article. The papers which were rejected by the Board of Reviewers are not returned to their authors.

Information flow: The manuscript submitted by the author(s) is sent to one of the members of the journal’s editorial board for scientific control within the deadline set by the editorial secretary. If the result of the scientific check is favorable, the manuscript will be submitted for processing, according to the editorial instructions, as appropriate, and scheduled for publication. If the result of the scientific check is favorable, but contains some comments on the manuscript, these will be communicated to the author(s), who will make the required changes. If the manuscript is rejected as a result of the scientific review, the Editorial Secretary will present the author(s) with the reasons for rejection and will not return the article received for publication. The author(s) is (are) obliged to agree to the publication of the manuscript, following any editorial changes made after submission of the article, in accordance with the editorial instructions.

Below is shown a diagram of the editorial process: