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Editorial Board

Assoc.prof.dr.eng. Gheorghe-Adrian BRANOIU orcid logo  website 

Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti, Faculty of Petroleum and Gas Engineering, Petroleum Geology and Reservoir Engineering Department, Ploiesti, Romania, 100680
Interests: petroleum engineering; petroleum geology; energy and environment;  mineralogy; crystal structure; geoscience; geothermal energy


Scientific Board:

Prof.habil.dr.eng. Michel TROQUET

Laboratoire de Photochimie, UA CNRS 433 Université Blaise Pascal (Polytech Clermont-Ferrand), 63177 Aubière, France
Interests: engineering; photo-oxidation; thermo-oxidation; polymerization;


Prof.dr. Clovis FRANCIS orcid logo

Faculty of Engineering, Lebanese University, Lebanon
Interests: electronics; industrial control; energy management systems; energy storage


Prof.dr. Rafic YOUNES orcid logo

Dean of Faculty of Engineering, Lebanese University, Lebanon
Interests: mechatronics; engineering optimization; energy management; multidisciplinary optimization


Prof.habil.dr.eng. Jan GOLONKA orcid logo

Professor Emeritus, AGH University of Science and Technology, Kraków, Poland
Interests: geology; tectonics; paleogeography



Department of Technology’s Science of Information and Communication, Higher Polytechnic School, University of Antsiranana, Madagascar
Interests: engineering; green energy; artificial intelligence techniques


Assoc.prof.dr. Nguyen-Dang NAM orcid logo

Institute of Fundamental and Applied Sciences, Duy Tan University, Danang, Vietnam
Interests: electrochemistry; materials science; metallurgy; corrosion


Lect.dr.eng. Zulfan Adi PUTRA orcid logo

ExxonMobil & Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Malaysia
Interests: process engineering; modeling; simulation; optimization; process integration; machine learning; techno-economic analysis


Prof.habil.dr.eng. Mihai ARGHIR orcid logo

Institut PPRIME, Département D3 Génie Mécanique et Systèmes Complexes, UPR CNRS 3346, Université de Poitiers, ISAE ENSMA, France
Interests: mechanical engineering; aeronautical engineering; tribology


Prof.habil.dr.eng. Cătălin TEODORIU orcid logo

University of Oklahoma, US, Mewbourne School of Petroleum and Geological Engineering
Interests: drilling problems; drilling dynamics and failure analysis; well integrity; cementing and threaded connections


Prof.habil.dr.eng. Sorin-Mihai RADU orcid logo

Faculty of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering; Department of Mechanical, Industrial and Transport Engineering; University of Petrosani, Romania
Interests: mechanical engineering; industrial engineering; environment


Prof.habil.dr.eng. Maria LAZAR orcid logo

Faculty of Mining; Department of Environmental Engineering and Geology; University of Petrosani, Romania
Interests: Mining landscaping; Water management; Dewatering deposits; Opencast mining; Slope stability; Basics of technological engineering; Research in the field of mining and environmental engineering


Prof.habil.dr.eng. Mihaela TODERAS orcid logo

Faculty of Mining; Department of Mining Engineering, Mining Surveying and Constructions; University of Petrosani, Romania
Interests: Geomechanics; rock mechanics; soil mechanics; underground structures; rock rheology; rock salt; underground mining constructions, mining exploitation


Prof.habil.dr.eng. Ilie ONICA orcid logo

Faculty of Mining; Department of Mining Engineering, Mining Surveying and Constructions; University of Petrosani, Romania
Interests: Coal and ore deposits mining; rock engineering in mining; numerical modelling of geomechanical mining phenomenon; mechanization of the ore and coal mining; underground workings construction technologies


Prof.habil.dr.eng. Roland Iosif MORARU orcid logo

Faculty of Mining; Department of Management and Industrial Engineering; University of Petrosani, Romania
Interests: Safety and mining environment; Occupational Health and Safety; Ventilation; Occupational
Health and Safety; Occupational Risk Assessment Methods; Risk Management


Prof.habil.dr.eng. Florin Dumitru POPESCU orcid logo

Faculty of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering; Department of Mechanical, Industrial and Transport Engineering; University of Petrosani, Romania
Interests: computer usage and programming; reliability and diagnose; computer science in transportation; vertical transportation; multimodal transportation


Assoc.prof.dr.eng. Dacian Paul MARIAN orcid logo

Faculty of Mining; Department of Mining Engineering, Mining Surveying and Constructions; University of Petrosani, Romania
Interests: coal and ore; geodesy; cartography; topography; cadastre; execution of surveying measurements; measurements processing


Prof.dr.eng. Valentin Dan PETRESCU orcid logo

Faculty of Engineering, Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Romania
Interests: natural gas engineering; eco-technology; management of environmental risks; materials technology; environmental protection


Prof.dr.eng. Alexandru OZUNU orcid logo

Faculty of Environment Science, Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Interests: environment science; environment engineering; disaster management; chemical engineering


Prof.habil.dr.eng. Oana Roxana CHIVU orcid logo

Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Robotics; Department of Quality Engineering and Industrial Technologies; National University of Science and Technology Polytechnics Bucharest, Romania
Interests: Health and safety in industrial engineering; materials and welding technology; industrial metrology; quality economic issues; management of technical-economic activities


Prof.dr.eng. Ionela POPOVICI orcid logo

Faculty of Applied Sciences and Engineering; Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering; Ovidius University Constanta, Romania
Interests: inorganic chemistry; chemistry of materials; nanomaterials; chemistry of silicates and oxide compounds; inorganic binders


Prof.dr.eng. Gabriela STANCIU orcid logo

Faculty of Applied Sciences and Engineering; Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering; Ovidius University Constanta, Romania
Interests: organic chemistry; synthesis and characterization of organic compounds by spectral and chromatographic methods; bioactive compounds synthesis; organic electrosynthesis; anodic oxidation of chiral and achiral compounds and reactions mechanisms study; pharmaceutical chemistry; natural compunds isolation with therapeutical effects


Prof.dr.eng. Niculae Napoleon ANTONESCU

Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti, Faculty of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering Department, Ploiesti, Romania, 100680
Interests: mechanical engineering; oil & gas industry


Prof.dr.eng. Stelian DUMITRESCU

Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti, Faculty of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering Department, Ploiesti, Romania, 100680
Interests: mechanical engineering; oil & gas industry


Assoc.prof.dr.eng. Alin DINITA orcid logo

Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti, Faculty of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering Department, Ploiesti, Romania, 100680
Interests: mechanical engineering; geothermal energy


Assoc.prof.dr.eng. Daniela POPOVICI

Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti, Faculty of Petroleum Refining and Petrochemistry, Chemistry Department, Ploiesti, Romania, 100680
Interests: chemical engineering


Prof.habil.dr.eng. Lazăr AVRAM  website

Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti, Faculty of Petroleum and Gas Engineering, Department of Well Drilling, Extraction and Transport of Hydrocarbons, Ploiesti, Romania, 100680
Interests: well drilling; offshore drilling; geothermal energy;


Prof.habil.dr.eng. Mihai ALBULESCU  website

Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti, Faculty of Petroleum and Gas Engineering, Department of Well Drilling, Extraction and Transport of Hydrocarbons, Ploiesti, Romania, 100680
Interests: fluid mechanics; oil and gas transport; geothermal energy;


Prof.habil.dr.eng. Timur CHIS orcid logo

Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti, Faculty of Petroleum and Gas Engineering, Department of Well Drilling, Extraction and Transport of Hydrocarbons, Ploiesti, Romania, 100680
Interests: fluids mechanics; fluids transport; risk assessment of offshore oil transport; geothermal energy;


Prof.habil.dr.eng. Maria STOICESCU 

Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti, Faculty of Petroleum and Gas Engineering, Department of Petroleum Geology and Reservoir Engineering, Ploiesti, Romania, 100680
Interests: hydraulics; reservoir engineering


Prof.habil.dr.eng.ec. Cătălin Nicolae POPESCU orcid logo

Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti, Faculty of Economical Sciences, Department of Business Administration, Ploiesti, Romania, 100680
Interests: management; energy; project management; petroleum economics; quantitative methods in management and business


Lecturer dr.eng. Iuliana GHETIU orcid logo

Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti, Faculty of Petroleum and Gas Engineering, Well Drilling, Extraction and Transport of Hydrocarbons Department, Ploiesti, Romania, 100680
Interests: reservoir gas production; natural gas storage; hydrogen storage; green energy


Assoc.prof.dr.eng. Mihaela CALTARU orcid logo

Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti, Faculty of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering Department, Ploiesti, Romania, 100680
Interests: mechanical engineering;


Prof.dr.eng. Otilia CANGEA website

Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti, Faculty of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Automation, Computers and Electronics Department, Ploiesti, Romania, 100680
Interests: automation systems; computers; applied informatics; data security


Prof.habil.dr.eng. Razvan George RIPEANU orcid logo

Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti, Faculty of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering Department, Ploiesti, Romania, 100680
Interests: mechanical engineering; tribology;


Prof.habil.dr.eng. Marius Gabriel PETRESCU orcid logo

Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti, Faculty of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering Department, Ploiesti, Romania, 100680
Interests: mechanical engineering; tribology; management of production; quality management; security of transport systems; management of quality in higher education


Assoc.prof.dr.eng. Ion PANA orcid logo

Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti, Faculty of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering Department, Ploiesti, Romania, 100680
Interests: mechanical engineering;


Prof.habil.dr.eng. Dragos CIUPARU

Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti, Faculty of Petroleum Refining and Petrochemistry, Department of Petroleum Refining Engineering and Environmental Protection, Ploiesti, Romania, 100680
Interests: chemical engineering


Prof.habil.dr.eng. Dorin BOMBOS

Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti, Faculty of Petroleum Refining and Petrochemistry, Chemistry Department, Ploiesti, Romania, 100680
Interests: chemical engineering


Dr.eng. Dumitru GHERGHICEANU

OMV-Petrom SA, Senior Manager Drilling Department, Bucharest, Ploiesti, Romania
Interests: oil & gas industry; well drilling; casing; drilling optimization


Dr.eng. Vasile STANCULESCU

OMV-Petrom SA, Institute of Research and Technological Design (ICPT), Campina, Romania
Interests: oil & gas industry; well optimization;


Dr.eng. Vasile TUDOR

OMV-Petrom SA, Operations manager Muntenia Asset, Romania
Interests: oil & gas industry; well optimization; production planning and development


Section Executive Editors:

Prof.dr.eng. Dorin George BĂDOIU orcid logo

Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti, Faculty of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering Department, Ploiesti, Romania, 100680
Interests: mechanical engineering; mechatronics; robotics; mechanisms dynamics

Prof.dr.eng. Otilia CANGEA

Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti, Faculty of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Automation, Computers and Electronics Department, Ploiesti, Romania, 100680
Interests: automation systems; computers; applied informatics; data security

Prof.habil.dr.eng. Timur CHIS orcid logo

Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti, Faculty of Petroleum and Gas Engineering, Department of Well Drilling, Extraction and Transport of Hydrocarbons, Ploiesti, Romania, 100680
Interests: fluids mechanics; fluids transport; risk assessment of offshore oil transport; geothermal energy;

Assoc.prof.dr.eng. Raluca-Elena DRAGOMIR orcid logo

Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti, Faculty of Petroleum Refining and Petrochemistry, Department of Petroleum Refining Engineering and Environmental Protection, Ploiesti, Romania, 100680
Interests: chemical engineering

Assoc.prof.dr.eng. Cristian-Nicolae EPARU orcid logo

Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti, Faculty of Petroleum and Gas Engineering, Department of Well Drilling, Extraction and Transport of Hydrocarbons, Ploiesti, Romania, 100680
Interests: fluids transport; heat pumps; gas transmission networks; natural gas storage; geothermal energy

Assoc.prof.dr.eng. Mariea MARCU orcid logo

Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti, Faculty of Petroleum and Gas Engineering, Department of Petroleum Geology and Reservoir Engineering, Ploiesti, Romania, 100680
Interests: wells artificial lift; production offshore wells; wells production optimization; wells stimulation; multiphase flow through tubing and flow line

Assoc.prof.dr.eng. Casen PANAITESCU orcid logo

Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti, Faculty of Petroleum and Gas Engineering, Department of Petroleum Geology and Reservoir Engineering, Ploiesti, Romania, 100680
Interests: corrosion in oil industry; soil and water pollution; environmental science

Lect.dr.eng. Silvian SUDITU orcid logo

Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti, Faculty of Petroleum and Gas Engineering, Department of Well Drilling, Extraction and Transport of Hydrocarbons, Ploiesti, Romania, 100680
Interests: thermotechnics; energetic audit; natural gas storage; CO2 capture and storage; geothermal energy

Lect.dr. Mihaela-Claudia TRIFAN orcid logo

Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti, Faculty of Letters and Sciences, Department of Philology, Ploiesti, Romania, 100680
Interests: philology; Romanian culture; modernism; multicultural studies